
Sorry boyf, i've found my future husband.

He sang like Jimi Hendrix, looks like Jimi Hendrix. I'm in love with a stranger.
Excuse me while I kiss the sky.
Picture above taken by your truely in London.



BRAND NEW. brand new.

I'm new to this whole blogger thing.
I tried to have a go at Tumblr but our relationship kinda crashed and burned. 
Meaning it was shit and I deleted it.
On here will be mostly of my uni work/photography.
  Mostly beautiful things I've come across though.
Few things you might like to know about me in advance.
I swear, a lot. I possibly could have been a sailor/pirate in a past life. 
Your eyes have been warned.
I don't do any pretentious crap and I don't like people that pretend to be cool. It is what it is, yeah? 
I walk through life without touching the sides. 
I'm always in a daze, usually thinking about nothing or singing a song in my head. 
I like to say I think in songs that I randomly think of, instead of thinking in actual words or sentences.
By the looks of this, I like to say ‘I’ a lot too. Whoops.
These are my delusional distractions.
Laters, taters.

Clayton Vale's trails, Newton Heath.